Zach Potter- Zach is 17 and in his final year of high school. He plays on a couple of sports teams, is easy going and well liked. His parents feel that he needs to appreciate the value of a dollar, and so he has a part-time job. He is next door neighbour to Phillipa (aka Phil) Matthews, and works with her at the local teen hang out. He has been harbouring a crush on her for some time and figures this is his year.
Phillipa (Phil) Matthews- is a high school senior. She is friends with many different social groups and participates in many different activities at school; she is a member of the debate team, writes for the school newspaper, and is on the prom committee. Though awkward as a young girl, she has blossomed into a beautiful woman, and is just starting to deal with male attention. Her parents, being like minded to Zach’s, expect her to work. She and Zach have been friends since as long as she can remember and she turns to him for support.
Samantha (Sam) O’Murphy - Sam is a high school senior and is extremely involved. She runs the school newspaper, the debate team and the Glee Club. She is in charge of whatever she is involved with and is on the Honour Roll. Her mother, however, wishes she was a cheerleader and a country clubber. This bothers Sam to no end. She does have a number of friends, and is especially close with Phil Matthews.
Jake Stevens- Jake is a 17 year old hell raiser and head of a small group of rebels that attend George Downing. Jake’s mom left the family when he was ten to become a singer. She has left him with a beautiful voice and a large chip on his shoulder. He is responsible for his little brother Josh, as his father hasn’t really been present since his mom left.
Dennis Riley - Dennis skipped a couple grades in school and is currently working on his grade 12. He is very bright and very sweet. He is at George Downing on scholarship, because his family is not wealthy. He appreciates the opportunity and drives himself very hard, which has made social interaction difficult for him, especially because he’s younger. .
Chrissy Montgomery- Chrissy is a senior and head of the cheerleading squad. Despite what appears to be a stereotypical role, Chrissy has a huge heart. She lives with her grandparents and mother, as her mother was a hippy and was never sure who her father was. Because of the shame, Chrissy has put up with negative boyfriend Randy, as security for her reputation.
Heather Pargaskis - Is a grade ten girl with many hopes and dreams. She is a cheerleader, but also sings in the Glee Club and is on the honour roll. She is supposed to wear glasses but rarely does. She desperately wants someone to see her as something special.
Derek Regan - Derek is in grade ten and training hard to live up to the reputation of his three older brothers, who all were captains of whatever sport they excelled in. Derek hasn’t found his sport yet and plays on all the teams, fearful that he won’t be able to follow in the family’s footsteps.
Principal Graham Chisholm - Chisholm has recently turned forty and is enjoying his time at George Downing. A single hippy, with a passion for peace and conflict resolution, he has stopped enforcing dress code and encourages the boys at the school to discuss their issues openly and fairly.
Principal Madeline Snyder- The 37 year old overachiever has recently been appointed Principal of Fairview and has a real need to prove herself. She believes in schedules, discipline, and order. She believes that educating girls away from boys allows for girls to become focused and strong. She’s very little and uses her little man syndrome to keep the girls in line.
Jessie James-janitor and cook at Love Shack. He only speaks in movie or musical quotes and has something to say about everything at the school.
Randy Troy- Captain of the basketball team. Conceited, and a bully. Randy walks around school, occasionally attending classes and is often found berating some underclass man. He has been dating Chrissy for a few years and treats her like an object-his perfect trophy girlfriend. He is notorious for cheating on her with other girls.
Todd Rivers - Senior at George Downing and Captain of the hockey team. He is suave, kind and a bit of a heartthrob. He is also dating Dawn-Marie, the popular girls’ popular girl. However, they have a very on and off again relationship that Todd puts up with and is not sure exactly why.
Dawn-Marie- Chrissy’s supposed best friend. A senior and cheerleader, Dawn-Marie’s life is ruled by her astrological chart. Whatever it says, she does. She is very caught up in her status as cheerleader at school and fully expects to be treated with respect. She doesn’t always understand why Chrissy is so friendly with girls who aren’t cheerleaders, or people who obviously aren’t up to her social rank.
William “Sticks” Stickly - is a senior at George Downing and plays in Jake’s band. He longs to be half as rebellious as Jake, but really has a great life and nothing to be too upset over. He’s a bit on the unintelligent side, but a good guy and great friend.
Gregory “Clash” Clarence- Clash is the valedictorian for George Downing this year, though nobody would ever know it. He hangs out with Jake and Sticks and is rebelling against the country club world his parents feel he should belong to. He knows to escape his parents he has to get out of school and get a good job that will take him away. Although, sometimes his words are over the other boys heads, they accept him because of his loyalty to the cause.
Melly Brown- This peppy tenth grader is a wholesome as apple pie. She’s best friends with Heather and on the cheerleading squad, and is also in the Glee Club. She has long been looking for a romance to sweep her off her feet, and is totally in awe of Heather’s summer romance with Derek.
Andy Salis- The senior student with everything going for him. Good family, good grades. He’s the volleyball captain and runs track and field. He writes for the paper and he sings in the Glee Club. He also has developed a crush on sweet Melly Brown, which he is too nervous to act upon.
Jules (Julieanne) Conner - A member of the glee club and friends with Melly, Heather, and Suzie. Jules is in grade 11. She’s a sweet girl with lots of personality and zest for life but doesn’t quite fit in and is nervous everyone notices. As she goes through the course of the school year we see her embrace who she truly is, inspired by people like Annie Lennox and David Bowie. Her older brother Sheldon tries to hang out with her, but she is so embarrassed that they are related that she would rather die than people know.
Tiffany Heart-a cheer leader with lots of heart and a sense for what is right. She’s a senior and has a thing for bad boys. She’s above all the clichés and doesn’t buy into the lines that divide the groups. Works with Sam on the paper.
Suzie Valaski -Is in grade 11 and hangs out with the Glee Club, though she longs to be on the cheerleading squad...She met Melly and Heather at try outs and has been friends with them ever since. She completely idolizes Sam because of her confidence. She’s making her way through the crazy high school years with a positive attitude and sweet smile .
Sheldon Conner- Sheldon likes to hit on ….everyone and play video games (think of the Geek side kicks in Sixteen Candles). He is also Jules's older brother, and is desperate to be as cool as she is and her friends. Also seems to think he's a ladies man...but the ladies don't agree. Still, E for Effort.
CoCo and Cher, two amazing cheerleaders (possibly twins) who rock the dance numbers and end up going to the prom with Sheldon and Stick, but CoCo only goes with Sheldon so she will have a ride to get to dance-which is what they really care about, other than their hair-which better be big...Like Turn Back Time big!